our speciality
The Prosper Program
We will help you create a thriving workplace culture.
Know who you need on the bus
In order to scale and have a bigger impact you need the right people with the right skills and most important, the right attitude.
Feel confident that you are legally compliant
When it comes to your employees you want to feel confident that you have met the minimum legal conditions and have no fear of a legal claim.
No longer dread difficult conversations
A secret to business prosperity is the ability to create a workplace where conflict is minimised - or at least resolved quickly when it arises.

Our full range

Employment Contracts, policies and procedures
Having and maintaining adequate employment contracts, policies and procedures is one of the best techniques a business can use to prevent issues arising in the workplace. If you haven’t had your documentation updated for some time, we recommend you consider our Workplace Audit.
3D HR Legal specialises in providing documentation that is in plain English – easy to read and understand.
We can also assist to review and interpret your current documentation. For example, to determine if and how a particular workplace policy applies, or how a common law contract interacts with a modern award or enterprise agreement.

One of the main objectives of 3D HR Legal is to help clients minimise the potential for conflict arising in the workplace. One of the best ways to do this is by ensuring that all people in the workplace are properly trained on an ongoing basis in their workplace rights and obligations.
3D HR Legal has significant experience delivering different forms of training including induction training, specialised 101 employment law training for supervisors and managers, training in managing injured and ill workers, and training on implementing change such as redundancy and termination.

When misconduct issues arise in the workplace it is important to ensure that they are properly investigated to maintain fairness to all parties involved. Early forward planning will help to ensure that legal risks are minimised.
3D HR Legal has experience with investigations in respect of a variety of different workplace issues including sexual harassment, bullying, safety incidents and misuse of company property.
Our assistance may involve providing detailed advice about the appropriate conduct of a workplace investigation, and/or providing privileged legal advice on the findings of an investigation regarding the potential legal risks of taking action, or it may extend to undertaking the complete investigation (conducting interviews, writing necessary communications, etc) and producing the report.

HR advice and representation
Whether you have a dedicated HR team or not, there will be times when you may benefit from some extra support. With expertise in HR management as well as the law, we are well placed to assist clients with all day to day HR matters.
3D HR Legal also understands that often HR advice is required urgently. Therefore all enquiries are responded to quickly and concisely.
Examples of the types of advice commonly sought on an as needed basis include urgent telephone advice prior to a performance management meeting, drafting or amending warning and termination letters, and assisting with interpretation of modern awards and contracts.
For businesses with no, or limited, HR expertise, 3D HR Legal can offer a monthly fixed fee service to provide support to management in relation to day to day HR matters.
practical help
Interested in learning more?
3D HR Legal provides a full range of workplace relations services, but first, we’d like to give you a little insight into our approach

01. Download The 5 Big Mistakes
Get your free copy of
The 5 Big Mistakes Employers Make
– and how to avoid them
02. Featured Blog
Are you ‘HR ready’ for the new financial year? As the end of the financial year approaches it’s a good opportunity to take stock and …

03. Book an appointment
Find out how we help you create a thriving workplace culture that sees your business prosper