people, not problems
The Prosper Program

our approach
Let your business prosper
Owning a business is an emotional roller coaster. You didn’t go into business to manage people yet you feel that you are spending all your time dealing with “people problems” or perhaps “problem employees”. There is always the nagging fear that you might miss something and an employee will bring a legal claim that takes up all your time and way too much money.
You dream of a time where you have solid processes in place to ensure legal compliance, a team that understand your vision for the business and are committed to getting results so that difficult conversations become a thing of the past.
our focus
We work with proactive owners of professional services businesses
Know who you need on the bus
Successful business owners know they can't do everything in their business. In order to scale and have a bigger impact you need the right people with the right skills and most important, the right attitude. Creating a team that fits your business will lead to results you are trying to achieve.
Feel confident that you are legally compliant
In order to take strides in business it can be easy to feel you are moving too fast and something is being missed. When it comes to your employees you want to feel confident that you have met the minimum legal conditions and have no fear of a legal claim.
No longer dread difficult conversations
People are naturally complex. We all have different beliefs and values outside of the workplace - often with competing priorities. Whenever you bring people together there is the potential for conflict. A secret to business prosperity is the ability to create a workplace where conflict is minimised - or at least resolved quickly when it arises.
our insight
Essential elements for success

In order to go from people problems to a team that gets results, you need to ensure that you have covered all three phases of the employment relationship.
The Prosper program is designed around these elements to take you from people problems to a team that gets results.
- Ensure compliance with legal requirements
- Write out essential documents such as employment contracts
- Determine when and how to add to your team
- Train your people
- Implement appropriate review procedures
- Manage change as it occurs
- Manage performance issues.
- Investigate complaints.
- Fire fast when necessary.
practical help
Interested in learning more?
3D HR Legal provides a full range of workplace relations services, but first, we’d like to give you a little insight into our approach

01. Download The 5 Big Mistakes
Get your free copy of
The 5 Big Mistakes Employers Make
– and how to avoid them
02. Featured Blog
Are you ‘HR ready’ for the new financial year? As the end of the financial year approaches it’s a good opportunity to take stock and …

03. Book an appointment
Find out how we help you create a thriving workplace culture that sees your business prosper